Fed: Government claims small victory over US farm bill
The government has claimed a small victory over the United States farm lobby with thelatest US farm bill lasting five years rather than the feared 10.
Trade Minister MARK VAILE says he's pleased the US Senate -- which passed the billovernight -- has taken note of Australia's objections.
Mr VAILE says he lobbied senior US officials during his visit to Washington last monthand will continue to do so to head off any moves to extend subsidies to additional commodities.
As originally proposed by the US House of Representatives, the bill would have run for a decade.
Mr VAILE says the five year term will be consistent with the time frame for World TradeOrganisation negotiations.
But, he says the government remains seriously concerned about the costly protectionistand trade distorting measures in the legislation.
The US bill is bad news for Australian primary producers and could still violate WTOrules for its excessive subsidies to US farmers.
Under the bill, grain, cotton and soybean subsidy spending will rise by $5 billion a year.
AAP RTV mb/daw/aa/jh
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